It's honestly been a stressful time - and I just actually met with tutors last night discussing how we can help students cope with the challenges presented in these times.
I think it's essential for us - as parents and students - to take the steps to avoid stress - and nothing stresses me out like last-minute, especially dealing with something you could never understand 100% even if it was your full time job. We've spent 11 years at it, and we are STILL learning!
So, while some R&R is crucial at this time, it's never a bad idea to think and plan when your head is clear.
Here are a few things you can do to use your winter break to ensure that you're on track to being college ready:
Research HOW to Get Involved (and do it!): ,
The holiday season is the perfect time to lend your time for a volunteer project - raise funds to spread the love thai Christmas - for people who are in need. Volunteering reflects very well on you as a college applicant. It serves as a character determining factor and not only will this be very attractive on your college application but you'll feel super proud having done it!
You're not just here to take up space, but to use your life and resources to help others.
Explore Your Interests: HELLO Summer Programs!
This Christmas break is an ideal time to do the things you love as well as discover new things you might enjoy! 'Tis the season to explore SUMMER PROGRAMS (apps come due as early as January!).
We have a GREAT list, FREE on College Essentials CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP.
What interests you?
It's ok not to know, but it isn't ok to sit waiting for it to occur to you one day like magic. Try things!
Visit Prospective Colleges:
Christmas break is a GREAT time to do virtual tours of colleges you might just be interested in! We have a WINNING list of the BEST schools for Financial Aid for students from the Caribbean AND US / green card holders! We'll send that out for you next week! Check YOUUNIVERSITYTV for online tours. If you are able to walk through some campuses, walk around slowly, read notice boards, and understand the culture of the institution. Happen to see a student? Stop them and ask questions about the college's environment and culture. This will help you really understand what you're getting yourself into.
Get Some Rest:
This is crucial. Once January comes, it's full throttle for the next couple months. So, get some rest, spend time with family and enjoy your holidays as best as you can. Never forget that rest is a very key ingredient in the success formula.
Today is the day to book a consultation for January, to secure one of our well trained and experienced college counsellors to guide you and set you on the WINNING path. That's our sole mission here at the AIM Online Academy- seeing you WIN!
Happy Holidays!
You can find out more about how AIM Online Academy can help YOU here: