If you're in Grade 11, you might be thinking, "Okay, it's my time now to start thinking about college. Okay, though about it. Let me go do something else."
If you're in Grade 10, 9 or even 8, you might be thinking that you have a couple years left before the thought can cross your mind seriously... but you're WRONG.
Prepping for college can be very daunting. One of the best ways to make the process easier is to START EARLY. Getting a head start on your college application journey is a sure-fire way to ensure that your application process is easy breezy with as few hiccups as possible.
Here are three quick tips on how to kick start your college prep journey:
Get a journal and start writing things down!
It's very unlikely that you'll have a concrete idea of what career path you wish to embark on- if you do, great! If not, that's okay, you still have some time. But it is time for you to start thinking about your passions and areas of interest and determine a plan for attaining a college education that aligns with pursuing your goals (if it aligns with your goals).
Remember always that there is no one, right way to pursue any dream and that the uniqueness of your journey is what makes you stand out!
Planning involves thinking about what you want to do, how and where you'll do it and what will you need to make it happen.
Ensure you're bringing your parents and guidance counsellor in on these plans that you're making. Their input is vital!
Once you've made some cursory decisions and you've talked with your parents and guidance counsellor, it's time to start gathering your resources. Resources include the team, tools and knowledge that will be required to mobilise your college application process.
One thing to learn from early is that not all schools are the same. Different schools will require different things in completing their applications. Some will even differ by the specific program you're applying to! Whether it's varying testing, high school course or essay requirements, the likelihood of the applications to all your schools looking identical is very slim. Ensure you are becoming knowledgeable of the college application process and the specific requirements of your prospective schools by visiting the admissions and application sections of their websites.
You know what you want... now work for it!! Begin preparing yourself academically, professionally and personally to ensure that you are ready, not only to apply to college but to enter college as a WINNER!
Some things you can do to align yourself with your dreams include journaling, visionboarding, asking for help when you know you need it, going to college fairs, participating in career days, exploring ALL of your extracurricular interests - both academic and non-academic - and picturing yourself on the college campus of your dreams!
If you're ready to take the plunge with AIM, look no further than an Initial Strategy Session with an AIM Expert Counselor! We take the time to break down the main drivers of the college admissions process, with specific guidance and strategy that is curated just for you.
If you're heading to college in 2023, now is the time to start strategizing your journey to the college... and what better way to do that than with AIM!